Avusturya doğumlu Markus Hofer likidlerle sağladığı illüzyonla dokunmadan, kendi gözlerinizle görmeden, yer çekimini hiçe sayarak inanılması zor heykeller sunuyor.
Austrian artist Markus Hofer makes amazing illusions without giving a crap about gravity. He makes it really hard to make the viewers understand these illusions without seeing them in their own eyes or even touching them.
Renklerin canlılığı, dokunun sentetik boyaya çok benzemesi ve akışkanlıkla Hofer göz yanılsamasını arttırmış.
Hofer boost the illusions up by keeping the colors vibrant, the texture as smooth as synthetic wall paints and, of course, by making the sculptures look fluent.
Hofer boost the illusions up by keeping the colors vibrant, the texture as smooth as synthetic wall paints and, of course, by making the sculptures look fluent.
Bazı parçalarında ise yerçekimi zırvalığını bir yere fırlatıp boyayı dans ettirmiş! Hatta bana yılan oynatıcılarının yılandan sıkılıp boyaları oynatmaya başlamalarını hatırlattı. Hofer bir sıvının gösterebileceği tüm estetikliği sanki boyaların ruhu varmış gibi göstermiş.
In some of his pieces Markus throws out the whole concept of senseless gravity and make his fluent paints dance! In fact, it looks like snake charmers got bored from snakes and started dancing the paint. Hofer tries to show us all the aesthetics that a liquid can have with adding them souls.
In some of his pieces Markus throws out the whole concept of senseless gravity and make his fluent paints dance! In fact, it looks like snake charmers got bored from snakes and started dancing the paint. Hofer tries to show us all the aesthetics that a liquid can have with adding them souls.
Markus'un sevdiğim bir diğer yanı da sokaklara da enstalasyonlarını yerleştirmesi. Soldaki bana burundan akmak üzere olan pembe bir sümüğü anımsattı =)
Another thing that I like about Markus is that he sets up his installation in streets too. The one on the left reminds me of a pink booger that comes out of a nose =)
Another thing that I like about Markus is that he sets up his installation in streets too. The one on the left reminds me of a pink booger that comes out of a nose =)

Daha fazlasına bakmak isterseniz // If you want to look for more: Markus Hofer
Hazırlayan Begüm Berdan
Prepared by Begüm Berdan
Harikalaaar !!!